Jose: FlyHighYoga Level 1 50TT


FlyHighYoga 教师培训来袭!

今年7月,Jose老师的FlyHighYoga 教师培训课程在Y+瑜伽会馆如约而至。与之前不同的是,培训将分成Level 1Level 2,各自培训50小时,满足不同需求的空中瑜伽学习者。


每一个Level课程完成后,你会分别获得50小时的全美瑜伽联盟继续教育认证。(累积参加4个不同模块的FlyHighYoga 50TT,可以合并申请RYT 200证书。)


This July, the FlyHighYoga™ 50TT(Level 1& Level 2) with Jose is coming again at Y+ Yoga. Different from before, the training will be divided into Level 1 and Level 2, each training 50 hours to meet the different needs of aerial yoga learners.


After each Level course is completed, you will receive a 50-hour of continuing education credit of Yoga AllianceWhen you take four courses (different modules) of FlyHighYoga 50TT, you can combine them to become RYT 200.




FlyHighYoga™ is a kind of Aerial Yoga, but has different characteristics from others. With the ingenious design, the belt allows the practitioner to have a very flexible range of movements - you can find a big tree on your favorite beach, hang up your belt and enjoy the experience of challenging gravity in your favorite environment.



Compared with other rope or hammock used in Aerial Yoga, the belt of FlyHighYoga™ has obvious advantages in design. The belt can precisely surround the specific position of the body to achieve a better and more accurate for alignment. FlyHighYoga™ can intensify floor yoga poses as well, that can stress the spine, increase strength, challenge gravity, increase flexibility, and help you to improve your practice. Get ready, and have fun with the gravity!



课程介绍 About Course

FlyHighYoga™ Level 1将是一个系统的入门学习。Level 2将加深、拓宽课程内容,呈现给大家多个模块。其中有正位、FlyHighYoga普拉提、FlyHighYoga泰式按摩、FlyHighYoga TRX等,参与者必须通过Level 1的学习才可以参加Level 2培训。

Fly High Yoga Level Two will bring out yogis to do any adjustment. There are several kinds of level two, such as level two of adjustment, level two of FlyHighYoga Pilates, level two of FlyHighYoga Thai Massage, level two FlyHighYoga TRX, etc. Participant is required to pass the level one that covers the basic of this training.


Level 2将更深入手动调整,因为它是一个帮助学生更好顺位、放松、稳定和扩展的有力工具。知道调整方法并可以协助学生是非常重要的,通过成为调整者,可以加深练习并提升到一个新的水平。


The training will go deeper about hands-on adjustment because it can be a powerful tool for helping yoga student find better alignment, relaxation, stability, and extension. It is very important to know the way to approach adjustment and assist the yoga student. The way being an adjuster can support their exercise and bring them to the next level.


届时Level 2也将向公众开放特色公开课,欢迎各位参与体验。

There will also be special open classes to the public during level 2 training, and everyone is welcome to participate in it.



FlyHighYoga™ Level 1(初级):系统入门学习



Introduction to FlyHighYoga™



Explanation of Asanas Alignment



The Adjustment of Asanas






FlyHighYoga™ Business & Teaching


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