Pre & Post Natal Yoga 35TT


日期 Date: 


2019/5/6 - 2019/5/10

2019/7/8 - 2019/7/12

2019/10/28 - 2019/11/1


准妈妈和已生育的女性们向我们提出对于开设更多孕妇瑜伽的需求。我们这才意识到孕妇瑜伽对于许多女性瑜伽练习者来说是多么重要。对于我们来说只是在日常课程表上多加上一节孕妇瑜伽课程而已,可是恰恰是这一节课能够帮助不少女性度过这一段人生非常特殊且神圣的生理时期。 对于每个身怀六甲的女性来说,我们应该给予她们更多的爱。在怀孕的40周内,她们的身体会产生疼痛,水肿,松弛素的分泌,血压偏高甚至高血压等生理现象。如果将瑜伽和医疗的安全性相结合,那么我们就能帮助准妈妈们增加顺产的概率以及降低产后忧郁症的概率,并更好的去“迎接生命的奇迹”。

There are lots of pregnant women and new mothers asked y+if we can set up more prenatal and postnatal yoga classes in studio. We thenrealized how important it is to yoginis. To us, we just put some extra classesin our studio schedule, however, these do help females go through a special andsacred physiological period in their life time. To those who are pregnant, weshould provide them more love. During 40-weeks pregnancy, women will meet somecertain biological phenomena, including pain, edema, relaxin, and hypertension.If we combine yoga and medical safety together, then we can help these pregnantmothers a lot by improving the rate of eutocia and reducing the rate ofpostpartum depression. The most important they will have a better preparationto face “themiracle of life”.

孕妇瑜伽教师培训将由经验的丰富的Nancy老师亲授。课程将划分为两部分 – 产前准备和产后修复。通过两部分完整的课程,我们将学习如何为不同阶段的孕产女性编排并指导练习内容,课程涉及孕产解剖、顺位原则、常用体式在孕期的不同做法、各种辅具的有效应用、不同的放松冥想技巧、语音胎教、孕产课程的编排技巧与禁忌等。

Nancy is going to teach perinatal and postnatal yoga teacher training. The whole training course is divided into two parts – prenatal preparation and postnatal recovery. Through these two parts, students can learn how to arrange and guide exercises for pregnant women in different trimester. The courses include pregnancy anatomy, alignment principles for prenatal yoga, modifying normal postures for the various stages of pregnancy, application of yogic tools, meditation for pregnancy, antenatal training of sounding/chanting and skills and taboos of structuring prenatal classes.  

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