Angelina Song Toned Body 2Day Workshop



日期 Date: 2019/8/31 - 2019/9/1

时间 Time: 9am - 12am; 2pm - 6pm

地点 Location: Y+ XTD(新天地店)

课程介绍 About The Workshop



This 2-day workshop integrates sports science, anatomy, nutrition and various professional training techniques. It is a valuable opportunity for women who pursue beautiful shapes, yoga teachers and fitness coaches to systematically learn how to design your own practice. Angelina will combine her years of teaching experience and knowledge to lead you to learn how to use professional techniques and perspectives to shape the perfect body shape!


1. 如何树立正确的审美观?什么影响着我们的审美观?

2. 体型分为哪些种类?为何有些体型很难雕塑?针对不同的体型如何突破?

3. 为何我们总是觉得自己头大、脸大?如何打造黄金比例?

4. 为何我们的大腿前侧与小腿粗壮,导致看起来腿短、腿弯?

5. 为何我们练臀,却练成粗腿?臀型分为哪些种类?如何针对性地进行蜜桃臀雕塑?

6. 为何我们减脂总是先减胸?为何长期锻炼让人看起来很“壮”而不是塑造出女性曲线?

7. 可以局部减脂吗?要如何做到局部减脂?

8. 为什么有人减脂容易而有人却很难?为什么有些部位容易减脂而有些部位却很难?

9. 如何改变你的肌肉质量?

10. 身体潜力量化

11. 抗阻力训练与生物力学

12. 三分练七分吃:解读营养与训练如何完美结合


1. How to develop the aesthetic values? What is affecting our aesthetic values? 

2. Different body shapes and why are some shapes difficult to sculpt?

3. Why do we always feel the face looks fat? How to create a perfect shape? 

4. Why do our front thighs and calves look so strong that legs seem to be short? 

5. Why do we practice the butt but we got thick thighs? How to work out for sexy butt? 

6. Why do we always lose chest first? Why practices make us strong instead of good shape? 

7. Can we lose weight partly? And how? 

8. Why do some people lose fat easily while others are difficult?

9. How to change your muscles quality? 

10. Quantification of physical potential 

11. Resistance training and biomechanics 

12. How to combine nutrition and practice


报名方式 How to Sign Up

Y+ 会员请直接在APP中购买课程,非Y+ 会员请下载YPLUS APP购买或拨打热线电话400 009 0999

If you are the Y+ member, please purchase directly from the YPlus App. If you are not the Y+ member, please download the Yplus APP to purchase online or call 400 009 0999 for sign-up.

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