Vincent Bolletta: Hansa Yoga Therapy 200TT


Hañsa瑜伽理疗200小时培训  模块1 & 模块2

Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT Module 1 & Module 2

Hañsa Yoga Therapy培训中,老师会通过一些特定的基础动作分析技巧帮助学生们建立对人体姿势和顺位更好的觉察力,学习用解剖学及生理学的眼光去观察人体,以及建立概念性思维。Hañsa Yoga Therapy是帮助大家启发内在觉醒的课程,通过系统的学习,回归瑜伽本源,引领学生探知并深度发掘瑜伽的内涵,从而让理疗的效果自然而然地融会贯通于我们的习练与教学进程。完成该课程的每个模块可获100小时证书,累积学习200小时即可获得200小时认证。

In Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT, we will develop greater observational awareness of body posture and alignment through specific basic postural analysis techniques. We will cover through Yoga Anatomy to further enhance our exploration, and look at the human body through the eyes of clinical anatomy and physiology and conceptual thinking. It helps inspire students’ inner consciousness, leads them to know and explore yoga, so that the effect of physical therapy can be naturally mastery in our teaching process and practice. There will be 100 hours certificate for participations that complete each module, and after 200 hours complete training you can get the 200 hours certificate.


  • 你将在Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT中学到什么?
  • What will you learn from Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT?


  1. 评估:通过临床和动作评估来找到身体的不平衡,同时开始学习和掌握良好的观察技巧。
  2. Assessment - Identify body imbalances through clinical and motor evaluations, as well as by starting to learn and master good observational skills.


  1. 瑜伽体式解构:观察身体的自然生物力学以及它与体式之间真正的功能性关系。解构常见的谬误和对于体式的惯性思维。
  2. Yoga asana deconstruction - Observe the natural biomechanics of the body and its true functional relationship with asana. We will deconstruct common fallacies and habitual modes of thinking.


  1. 解剖学和生理学:通过实验性和临床的创造性过程来理解身体运动的模式。
  2. Anatomy and physiology - Understanding patterns of physical movement through an experimental and clinical creative process.


  1. 常见问题:解决教学中的常见问题并通过建立管理方式来支持和加强教学的功能性。问题包括:脊柱侧凸、腰部不适、椎间盘突出、髋部问题、肩膀和颈部机能障碍。并掌握针对以上这些问题的重建和支持性序列。
  2. Solve common problems in teaching and support and enhance functionality by establishing management protocols that includes scoliosis, lumbar discomfort, herniated discs, hip problems, and shoulder and neck dysfunction. In this section we will learn the sequence of reconstruction and support for these questions.


  1. 大生物能量原则:观察身体姿势趋势的能量组成,了解其如何决定我们身体运动的模式和所带来的结果。
  2. The big biological energy principles - Look at the energy composition of our body posture trends and see how they determine the patterns and outcomes of our body movements.


  1. 觉知:我们将会通过“觉知”探索特定的瑜伽解剖学,了解其在多种层次上与瑜伽练习的联系。并学习将这些理论实践到以理疗的方式给予学生评估和帮助。
  2. We will explore the specific anatomy of yoga through awareness, understanding its connection to our yoga practice on multiple levels. We will also begin to apply these theories in the form of physical therapy to evaluate and help students.


  1. 练习设计原则:这一部分我们将会学习功能性的、支持的和发展的实践练习设计。并考虑基于生物力学关系和有机运动模式的各种原则。
  2. In this section we will learn about functional, supportive, and developmental practice of the art of design. Practical exercise design will consider a variety of principles based on biomechanical relationships and organic motion patterns.


老师介绍 About Vincent Bolletta


Hañsa Yoga创始人







Founder of Hañsa Yoga

Invited teacher of Evolution Asia Yoga Conference(HK)

Invited teacher of the Telluride Yoga Festival (US)

Invited teacher of the Bali Island Yoga Festival

Invited teacher of the Wanderlust Yoga Festival

30 years teaching experience on yoga therapy




Vincent is called a soul magician by students with his practical and rigorous teaching. His teaching cares about individual differences and emphasizes breathing as the connection of movement and consciousness. "Integrated and comprehensive" is almost every student's feeling in Vincent's teaching. He has a keen insight, and with compassion to give students spiritual support, leading students to a profound level of awareness with the depth and breadth of vision, to active students' self-exploration.



课程信息 Course Information


Vincent Bolletta

Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT Module 2 (100HRs)


常规价 Regular Price: 18720 RMB

优惠价 Preferential Price: 16848 RMB

团购价 Group Buying Price: 14976 RMB (10人以上 above 10 people)

日期 Date: 2019/7/1 - 2019/7/13

地点 Location: Y+ Academy (YFL Studio)


Vincent Bolletta

Hañsa Yoga Therapy 200TT Module 1 (100HRs)

常规价 Regular Price: 18720 RMB

优惠价 Preferential Price: 16848 RMB (单人 single person)

团购价 Group Buying Price: 14976 RMB (10人以上 above 10 people)

日期 Date: 2019/9/11 - 2019/9/20

地点 Location: Y+ Academy (YFL Studio)


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