David Kyle: Intensive Rocket 100TT


You’re stronger than you think you are.

~ Larry Schultz



100小时进阶火箭教师培训将于今年十月再度启程!在火箭传承鼻祖David Kyle的带领下,你将在这100小时的过程中,学习火箭瑜伽3个不同级别的序列,并掌握多套火箭瑜伽的领课编排。通过深入研习高级的平衡、倒立体式及其变体教学等,你将学会安全地引入高难度体位的调整方法,让学员有能力通过这些序列带给学生惊人的进步。




In the Intensive Rocket 100TT with David Kyle this October, you will have several different Rocket classes that are designed to be taught in a led class format and practice Rocket I, II & III. The training is designed to help new teachers be able to provide these amazing sequences to beginners and advanced students alike to open up their ability to serve the students more efficiently! In this course, you can go in depth into hand stand variations and more advanced balancing postures to help build up the students understanding and practice of yoga asana. Adjustments are also covered on the core Rocket asana so teachers are able to safely introduce new postures of difficulty to students with safety.


Join in the Rocket Revolution right now!




What is Rocket Yoga?


著名瑜伽大师Larry Schultz在传统阿斯汤加流瑜伽初级和中级序列中的一系列体式变式基础上创编了火箭瑜伽。火箭瑜伽套路由三套原始序列Rocket IRocket IIRocket III构成,通过直接在人体关节上的作用,激活整个身体系统,让人重新恢复能量并且使身体充满活力。


Master Larry Schultz created Rocket Yoga on the basis of a series of traditional Ashtanga Primary & Intermediate Sequence. The Rocket Yoga is the combination of three original sequences of Rocket I, Rocket II, and Rocket III, which activate the whole body by directly acting on all joints of the body to restore energy and make the body energetic.




Rocket Yoga series is a revision of the traditional Ashtanga sequence, which breaks the "hierarchy" of asanas and brings a new direction to the practitioner creatively, helping the practitioner to know their selves in the daily personal practice, through a wonderful system based on a well-designed sequence, to breathe and make people practice safely.



课程介绍 About The Course



火箭瑜伽 · 进阶培训 100 小时

Intensive Rocket 100TT



Rocket yoga is popular as it is full of fun and can help practitioners enhance their potential quickly. For this Intensive 100HRs Rocket Teacher Training, students will be instructed to complete exercises and homework based on developing teaching methodology and skills under David's guidance. We will cover inversion drill and adjustments, demonstration of vinyasa techniques, verbal scripting skills, ability to produce alignment lines with students, and ability to explain and led pranayama exercises.



As a certified teacher of Rocket Yoga, you can help students to practice of asanas safely, make the simplized postures going deeper, the body becoming more powerful and flexible until to the advanced postures. It will make your course content with more diversity.



火箭瑜伽 · 进化挑战 50小时

Second-half Intensive Rocket 100TT


在本次的100小时进阶课程中,后半程5天的课程将被单独划分出来,作为整个火箭培训中最具挑战、难度爆棚的独立模块,为曾经完成过火箭培训的认证火箭教师提供再次深化的练习机会。在这一阶段,David大师也将从参与本次培训的往届学员暨火箭教师群体中选拔具格的人选,作为火箭瑜伽的中国代表甚至火箭培训助教。培训的最后一天,你会拥有一场历时3小时的、完整的火箭III序列练习的洗礼,这场练习被学生们亲切地称之为BBQ Rocket III Practice,一呼一吸间,皆是燃烧,它意味着,完成这场火炙般的体验,你,就是淬炼过后的火箭人!

The second half of Intensive Rocket 100TTC will be separated for Rocket teachers. As the most challenging and difficult module of Rocket TTC, it will provide a further opportunity for the intensive practice of certificated rocket teachers, and Master David will choose from the group for representatives or even assistants of Rocket Vinyasa China. At the last day, you will have a 3-hour Rocket III sequence practice, which is called BBQ Rocket III Practice by the students. Every breath is burning and you will be evolved after that.



This module will provide limited seats and only open for certificated Rocket teachers. If you are ready to be inspirited for your present teaching and practice, please don't hesitate to join this course!


老师介绍 About David Kyle


David是继Larry Schultz之后,当今最风行的Rocket瑜伽体系鼻祖。随着阿斯汤伽瑜伽群体的增长,我们对这种古老练习的认知也逐渐丰盈。在此基础上,袭承Sri K. PattabhiJois传统阿斯汤伽的教学,结合Larry Schultz的变革,David创立了全新的进化阿斯汤伽瑜伽体系。这个体系摒弃了以往的教条,使得体式适合不同的练习者。人人皆可参与!

David is the founder of the Progressive Ashtanga Yoga movement that honors the traditional teachings of SriK. Pattabhi Jois and embraces the revolutionary views of Larry Schultz. Our philosophies and understanding of this ancient practice is becoming more popular as the Ashtanga Yoga community grows. David create this Ashtanga Yoga style holds no dogmas or bias towards the asana practice that is designed to fit the individual practitioner. We are all inclusive!



David's teaching style is direct and full of insightful tips that can bring a fellow yoga practitioner to a space of more awareness in their bodies. Light philosophical questions are encouraged to bring the experience beyond the body attachment and to see ourselves from a different insight. Previously, David came to Y+ to bring us the Rocket Yoga TTC for several times, which is known as the most popular master in Shanghai. He has a lot of loyal followers, and leads Rocket Yoga to be one of the most popular yoga styles.



课程信息 Course Information


David Kyle

火箭瑜伽密集培训100TT (全程100小时)

Intensive Rocket 100TT


日期Date2019/10/4 - 2019/10/14

地点LocationY+ Academy (YFL Studio)

常规价Regular Price13000 RMB

早鸟价Early Bird11700 RMB


David Kyle

火箭瑜伽密集培训100TT ·进化挑战 (后半程50小时)

Second-half Intensive Rocket 100TT


* 后半程仅限火箭瑜伽授权教师报名,名额有限。

* Limited seats for past Rocket teachers only.


日期Date2019/10/10 - 2019/10/14

地点LocationY+ Academy (YFL Studio)

常规价Regular Price6700 RMB

早鸟价Early Bird6400 RMB



How to sign up


Y+ 会员请直接在APP中购买课程,非Y+ 会员请下载YPLUS APP购买或拨打热线电话400 009 0999

If you are the Y+ member, please purchase directly from the YPlus App. If you are not the Y+ member, please download the Yplus APP to purchase online or call 400 009 0999 for sign-up.


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