Vincent Bolletta: Hansa Therapeutic Flow® 50TT


Hañsa理疗流瑜伽 50小时培训

Hañsa Therapeutic Flow® 50TT

Hañsa Flow®Vincent老师在Y+开设的一门全新培训,以理疗为根基的流瑜伽体系,看似柔和,却能够让你在放松中变得强壮,强壮中又拥有流动,你的身体会在很短的练习时间内开始通透、激活、充满潜力。它以人体运动发展模式与循环模式为理论基础,借助功能性有机的运动方式,探索人体内在能量的流动与韵律,在无限循环的曼荼罗中以自己的身体与呼吸来谱写美妙乐章,使练习者在恢复流动性、灵活性、协调性和稳定性的同时增强力量,并重新发觉自己的本真感知,在呼吸的引领下进入动态冥想。

Hañsa Flow® is a new training course brought by Master Vincent in Y+ Academy. It seems gentle, but can make you strong in relaxation, flow in strength. You will be free, activate and full of potential. It is based on the theory of developmental body movement and circulation, and explores the flow and rhythm of inner energy by functional and organic movement, and composes beautiful movements with body and breath. Practitioners can build flexibility, coordination and stability and enhance until moving into dynamic meditation under the guidance of breathing.


Hañsa Flow®序列基于分级别的编排体系,支持练习者充分意识到其个人的身体目标,从基础、中级到高级运动形式,一共有四个序列练习。其最终序列能够给予有经验的老师或者经验丰富的练习者以挑战,从而帮助释放运动潜能,以及进一步探索感觉的可替代方式和空间与身体运动的相互作用。

Hañsa Flow® programs are based upon a layered choreographic system that supports the practitioner to fully realise their individual physical goals. There are four levels of practice and the final Hañsa Flow® program has been created to challenge the more experienced teacher or seasoned practitioner to fully realise their movement potential and further explore alternative ways of sensing and interacting with space and body movement.



  • 你将在Hañsa Flow® 50TT中学到什么?
  • What will you learn from Hañsa Flow® 50TT?


  1. 安全有效的排序:了解如何有逻辑地为60-90分钟的瑜伽练习设计排序
  2. Safe effective sequencing - understanding how to arrange in a logical order a yoga practice for a 60 - 90 minutes class


  1. 通过学习Hañsa理疗流编排“Hañsa元素流”
  2. Working through the Hañsa Therapeutic Flow® choreography "Hañsa Flow Elements"


  1. 学习“Hañsa元素流”编排的原则
  2. Learning the reasons of the "Hañsa Flow Elements" choreography


  1. 理解身体运动的科学原理
  2. Understanding principles of body movement


  1. 对你的练习给予反馈以及进阶建议
  2. Feedback on your practice and how to evolve


  1. 曼荼罗形状及其对节奏、空间和圆形的影响
  2. Mandala geometry and its influence on rhythm, space and circular shaping


  1. Developmental movement and its choreographic influence
  2. 进化的运动动作及其对编排设计的影响


  1. Learning how to deconstruct asana and support your students
  2. 学习如何解构体式,并依此帮助你的学生


  1. 学习常见的情况和身体问题,以及如何管理与支持你的课程
  2. Learning common conditions and physical problems and how to manage and support in class


  1. 授课的语言对于建立支持学生积极学习氛围的重要性
  2. Learning how language is important to develop an environment that supports the students learning and motivation


  1. 学习运动和流动的四个基本要素,感官和动力的进程,排序、意向和表达以及发展框架
  2. Learning the four basic tenants of movement and flow, sensory and motor processing, sequencing, intention and manifestation and developmental frameworks



老师介绍 About Vincent Bolletta


Hañsa Yoga创始人







Founder of Hañsa Yoga

Invited teacher of Evolution Asia Yoga Conference(HK)

Invited teacher of the Telluride Yoga Festival (US)

Invited teacher of the Bali Island Yoga Festival

Invited teacher of the Wanderlust Yoga Festival

30 years teaching experience on yoga therapy




Vincent is called a soul magician by students with his practical and rigorous teaching. His teaching cares about individual differences and emphasizes breathing as the connection of movement and consciousness. "Integrated and comprehensive" is almost every student's feeling in Vincent's teaching. He has a keen insight, and with compassion to give students spiritual support, leading students to a profound level of awareness with the depth and breadth of vision, to active students' self-exploration.


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