Lance Schuler


穷其一生修习           独树一帜的教学

来自新西兰的专业瑜伽导师 。修习瑜伽的 20 多年间,通过穷其 一生的自我练习和教学实践 ,积累出大量丰富实用 的教学经验。Lance 钟情于武术与冥想 ,他将 lvengar 和 Vinyasa 两大流派中的精华融会贯通 ,整合成了INSPYA学 院的教师培训招牌课程 。他本人是 INSPYA 泛南太平洋瑜伽学院的董事及所有者 ,致力于全球专业瑜伽教师的培训。

Lance Schuler 从小在父亲的引导下修行武术 ,武术严谨的练习过程与态度 ,带领他成功的进入瑜伽世界 。拥有澳大 利亚悉尼瑜伽学院 Iyengar 瑜伽教练认证资格 ,20 多年不间断的瑜伽教学经验 ,成为全球有志于成为瑜伽老师的学 员追随的对象 。

2007 年 Y+ 与 Lanc e Schul er 配合 ,开创了 Y+INSPYA 专业瑜伽老师双语培训课程 :10 年来 ,在中国己经培育出超 过 1100  名专业的瑜伽老师 ,是中国瑜伽老师的培训推手 。

Lance Schuler
World-wild well known yoga master

Lance Schuler is a professional yoga instructor from Zew Zealand. In the past 20+ years, he accumulates solid knowledge through the whole life personal practice and teaching experience. Combin ing his favorite martial arts and meditation, Lance developed the unique synergy of Vinyasa and Iyengar styles that is primarily taught at lnspya. Lance is the director and owner of INSPYA and dedicated himself to professional training courses all over the world.

At a very young age, he was introduced to Ma「tial Arts by his father , a discipline which would later help to steer him towards the path of yoga. Lance qualified as an Iyengar yoga instructor with the Australian School of Yoga in Sydney. In the past 20+ years, he never stop his teaching career in yoga area. Lance Schuler has become the mentor of those students who are aspiring to become yoga instructors.

In 2007, Y+ stared to work with Lance Schuler to developed a Y+INSPYA bilingual yoga instructor training courses +. In the past 10 years, we already have 1100 graduates from Y+. Lance at Y+ is the key figure. developing professional yoga instructors in China.


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